Skal vi starte?

06.11.2019, 07:38

2 kommentarer

Enda et innlegg fra Instagram. Dette er selve kjernen i hva jeg ønsker å gjøre med livet mitt. Å starte samtalen, lytte, lære og inspirere. Kropp og seksualitet er så essensielt samtidig som vi knapt nok vet hvor vi skal starte en slik samtale. Hva tenker du? Hvordan starter vi? Vil du være med? Jeg hører gjerne fra deg 


How do you think and talk about your body and sexuality?  I have this writing project going on and when my 12 year old asked me what I was writing, I choosed to be honest. I told him that I write about sex, sexuality and body because my friends often tell me it's easy to talk to me about such intimate subjects. So I told my son that I do have a gift to make this conversations a bit easier and I love to make life better for people around me. He loved it and said I had to continue to do so. And right then I also made it easier for him to ask and tell what he is thinking and feeling about his body and about growing up and puberty and so on. 
I'm sharing a picture of myself that never has been in the open. I hade to think and check in with myself but I think we need to see real bodies and real pleasure. In a world with so much fake and porn,  I know I'm longing for something real. So here I'm. Anyway what I'm truly longing for is this honest and raw conversation about life, sexuality, sex and how this is so important and often hidden part of our life. After following Pamela Madsen for years on sosial media, I know it has changed me to see her pictures of real women and pleasure. Kim Anami is also a brilliant person to follow and I have so much respect for Caroline, she is talking to the youths about the different about sex and porn. Ingunn, I'm also grateful for your work and what you are teaching the world. So many great women and I feel so humble and grateful for their contribution to the world. I want to join in and do my part. 
I'm not a professional therapist, doctor or I don't have any formal education in sex and sexual health, but I'm teacher(bachelor in Waldorf teaching), mother,  woman, human and a entusiast. Maybe that's enough?  I don't know but I have this deep urge to step out there and just listen, talking and see people. What's important for you?  What's your life all about?  Is sex and your sexual health something troubling or a source to pleasure, good health and enjoyment?  #sexuality #health #letstalk #kimanami #pamelamadsen #backtothebody #life #creativspace #women #mother #family #womanslife #human #wombspace #holdingspace #conversations

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